Aug 25, 2014
Lambo Works Detail
Lamborghini Gallardo Full Correction Paint Protection Coating
This Lamborghini was in need of some serious Paint correction or the full exterior detail. Heavy swirl marks were evident as regular local car washes scratched the paintwork over a period of time, hence the gloss levels were low. Paintwork measured roughly 140 microns to 190 and the whole correction was spread over 4 days. The start of the detail was a massive double foam gun lance, citrus degreaser was sprayed all over the intricate exterior bits and pieces from front guards, wheels, cracks and crevices and in the front/rear air dams of the front bumper. Out came my swissvax brushes to agitate the dirty and stained oxidised areas around the badges. As i waited for the citrus degreaser to do its action, i filled up my foam gun lance with some serious ph neutral formulated shampoo, and foamed the whole exterior, and i was massively generous with the foam gun stage, as i double foam gunned this Lambo.. as it was maybe my last one i would ever detail for a long, long time. Its not how many Lamborghini’s you detail, but its the question you ask yourself…. if the situation came about, were you fit enough and experienced enough to handle such a beautiful weapon.
Masked off the areas that needed be, and lights were set up. This is where the swirl marks were really showing up as we have now stripped the wax, glaze straight off the paintwork. The paintwork was ready to be polished. Each area was levelled down slowly rather than hitting hard with the harshest polish possible. I wanted to enjoy the moment, and level down the paintwork, and IPA wipedown in between stages to really eliminate possible amounts of polish still left in any lighter swirl marks, also i was getting this Lambo ready for its 3 coats of Opticoat Pro spread over the last 2 days. To conclude this detail, i would have to say getting the Gallardo to its level was brilliant as every part of the exterior was properly polished, and extension parts off my polisher was reached into areas that clients would assume not. Please enjoy this album as this detail shot roughly 300 photos, but i minimalized it down to roughly 90.
(These are just highlights from the album, Please Click on the Pictures to View Full Album or Click Here)